
Showing posts from August, 2021


 Im watching a film that stars Anthony Perkins He stalks and attempts to murder blonde women he is pursued by an aging detective This film is somehow not Psycho Its called Pretty Poison


 KAPE confirmed contaminated, disposed
 i hate how unfulfilling verbal communication has come to be watching someone wait their turn to speak without actually giving much of an ear to what you were saying was a pretty crappy thing but watching people fade out because you take too long to explain something and they retreat to a cell phone, where they're engaging a different conversation... it feels a lot to me like something i should be hurt about and yet i now no one is trying to be hurtful


 PE6 #1 and #2 contaminated, disposed KAPE suspected contaminated, still isolated, watching for ~2 more days  GT#1 showing possible signs of growth but unsure, very miniscule. still clear of contaminant growth GT#2 showing some growth, clear Cambodian is growing at an advanced rate as compared to all others, clear of contam Spawn Bag (GT i believe) shows no contam, also no growth (inoculated deep into substrate, expect slower results)


 5syllables   Things that are, or at least seem, "inaccessible" The Sun. It's far, it's too hot, and  there is no and, those are all the re quirements to make the sun out of my scope of interaction, i think.  


 ghost of tsushima director's cut expansion that explores iki island both PE6 failed due to contam, GT both look normal but slow, KAPE same, Cambodian is prgressing better than all   mystery science theatre 3000 til i die    
 golden teacher, turkey spawn bag, rice/vermiculite posted time/date of inoculation jars (6, mason wide mouth) 2x golden teacher 2x PE6 1 KAPE 1 Cambodian inoculated jars 2 days ago, checked for contam KAPE #1 suspected contam, removed from group and isolated (tv cabinet) remainders moved from downstairs to upstairs for heat/humidity purposes


 the best laid plans of mice and of men only the strongest survive the weak are deprived vermintide with rawdeepspace and v, OJ with soul and v constantly switching between strawberry banana by luto and blueberry ice by luto took a quarter concerta, 3-4 doses of kratom, multiple smoke sessions  whatever isnt art how do you pronounce that

Vape: Lush Ice by Flair

 Holy fucking shit. It's named Lush Ice because it tastes like lipstick. It's disgusting. Lipstick worn by an old woman with way too many cats. Lipstick that has a scent that carries that old woman's perfume on it. It tastes like walking through that old woman's house and having to breathe in her kitty litter air, blended with the potpourri she's got to cover up the cat scent.


History the word - school topic not equal with the reality   how to write nonchalantly, without hyperbole   how to communicate genuinely how to communicate ideas efficiently dont worry about being concise dont worry about being clear even just say something to someone i would like to be able to speak genuinely its ok to repeat my self its ok when others do also, but probably not as ok 5:30am 'Bushido' audiobook i can do a better job i already am   G left this morning i am alone again, though not i enjoy it and i dont i like attention at least, still feeling like a person despite the past year and a half   gifts do make me feel the awkward weight of obligation its no ones fault cannolis offers of assistance what is appropriate to say yes to and what isnt what is appropriate to say no to can i just watch tv instead i dont think i have to ask  because i dont think anyone minds because i dont think anyone cares